The fish were active in all areas of the lake last week with some huge numbers being caught by some anglers. Often only a little way down taking buzzers nymphs and eggs and occasionally taking a dry or an emerger off the top. As usual once you worked out what they wanted you could soon rack up good numbers.
A good example of this was Saturday when it was a bit tough to tempt them for a while until
Daniel Golea put on a deadly cats whisker variation. In no time at all he reached double figures including a beautiful brown trout.
The browns and some of the larger fish are really starting to show up more often now and after the restock on the 15th everything has definitely been kicked up a notch. Buzzers, nymph, eggs,bloodworm and fabs have worked nicely at times as well as the usual lures. Cats, dancers and damsels have all caught fish and John Blake managed 33 rainbows all with a Montana off the boat.
Picture is of a beautiful brown trout.
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