With the water cooling down nicely the fishing is improving daily. On some days they were up for a chase and other days they were happy to take static flies a few feet down. The lures that have worked over the last week have been cats whiskers, yellow dancers and plenty have been caught with white snakes on an intermediate line. Other flies working last week were hares ear or black and red nymphs and buzzers of the same colour. Also odd red apps worked occasionally along with daddies and a few other dries. Towards the end of the week anglers started to catch higher numbers with Martin Smith the best of the bunch reaching double figures on two occasions. Most of these were caught either with a white snake or a yellow dancer. There were days however especially earlier in the week when they really didn't want to know and these could be challenging and frustrating days. But even on these days if you managed to find them and put some colour in front of them you could entice a take.
This week we had many new anglers to the lake which is so good to see and I don't think in one week we have had so many compliments on the lakes condition and the facilities at Blackdyke. We never get bored of hearing this as we want the experience of visiting Blackdyke to be as pleasurable as possible even if on the odd occasion you don't manage to bag a fish.
Several anglers captured this week
Andy Kenrick pictured above
Warren Barwick, Rob Sanford, Martin Smith pics on facebook
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