Quite a bit of last week was hampered by a good inch of ice over the whole lake. As soon as the ice started to melt and parts of the lake became fishable however it didn't take long for the fun to start. As soon as they could get back at it, eager anglers made up for lost time and started catching good numbers of well rested rainbows. The majority of the trout were caught on the eastern side of the lake with only a few being landed from the jetty and up the left side. The bank generally out fished the boats last week as the fish were usually quite close in and often hanging out just in front of the reed beds. Black buzzers under an indicator 4 or 5 feet down was a good bet on a couple of the days as was a dawl bach or hares ear. The usuals did the job through the week, damsels, dancers and cats whiskers as well as the always consistent bloodworm. The black snake was deadly at times during last week and many fish were caught chasing this pattern and sometimes they would even take it static.
Once it got going and for those that braved the cold this was a superb weeks fishing and with the warmer weather we have coming this week it should feel a lot more pleasant out there.
The pictures are of Garth Mccarron with a four pounder he landed.
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